North Yorkshire Council


Richmond (Yorks) Area Constituency Planning Committee


Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday, 13th April, 2023 commencing at 10.00 am.


Councillor David Websterin the Chair. plus Councillors Caroline Dickinson, Bridget Fortune, Bryn Griffiths (Substitute), Heather Moorhouse, Karin Sedgwick and Steve Watson.


In attendance: Councillors Angus Thompson and Kevin Foster.


Officers present: Fiona Hunter, Sarah Holbird, Bart Milburn, Peter Jones, Ian Nesbit and Laura Venn.



Copies of all documents considered are in the Minute Book





Apologies for Absence


There were no apologies for absence.  Councillor Bryn Griffiths attended as a substitute for Councillor Stuart Parsons.





Declarations of Interests


There were no declarations of interest.





Public Questions and Statements


The representative of the Corporate Director – Community Development Services stated that, other than those that had indicated that they wished to speak in relation to the applications below, there were no questions or statements from members of the public.




Planning Applications


The Committee considered reports of the Corporate Director and the Assistant Director Planning – Community Development Services relating to applications for planning permission.  During the meeting, Officers referred to additional information and representations which had been received.


Except where an alternative condition was contained in the report or an amendment made by the Committee, the condition as set out in the report and the appropriate time limit conditions were to be attached in accordance with the relevant provisions of Section 91 and 92 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.





In considering the report(s) of the Corporate Director – Community Development Services regard had been paid to the policies of the relevant development plan, the National Planning Policy Framework and all other material planning considerations.  Where the Committee deferred consideration or refused planning permission the reasons for that decision are as shown in the report or as set out below. 


Where the Committee granted planning permission in accordance with the recommendation in a report this was because the proposal is in accordance with the development plan the National Planning Policy Framework or other material considerations as set out in the report unless otherwise specified below.  Where the Committee granted planning permission contrary to the recommendation in the report the reasons for doing so and the conditions to be attached are set out below.






23/00407/FUL - Full Planning Permission for the siting of a statue at Treadmills, Crosby Road, Northallerton for North Yorkshire Council




The Corporate Director – Community Development Services sought determination of a planning application for the siting of a statue on land at Treadmills, East Road, Northallerton.  This matter had been brought to the Committee as the former Hambleton District Council was the applicant.


The decision:-


Permission Granted subject to the conditions listed in the Committee report.





22/02555/OUT - Outline Planning application for the development of up to 88 dwellings (as amended) on land at Blind Lane, Aiskew




The Corporate Director – Community Development Services sought determination of a planning application for outline planning application for the development of up to 88 dwellings (as amended) on land at Old Hatchery, Blind Lane, Aiskew


The decision:-


Permission Granted subject to the conditions listed in the Committee report and an amendment to condition 10 to include an additional requirement in the construction management plan for a scheme for the examination and where appropriate extermination of vermin on the site prior to demolition.  The Committee was satisfied that this was necessary to protect public amenity


The Committee also approved an amendment to condition 19 and an additional condition the wording and reasons are as set out below.


Condition 19 - Correction made to the date of Network Rail’s response (new/accurate date underlined) within recommended condition 19 within the ‘Recommended conditions’ section of the Officer report: Prior to commencement of development hereby approved a surface water drainage strategy shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The strategy shall detail how the issues raised in Network Rails response dated 22.11.2022 in relation to surface water drainage and the adjacent railway line are to be addressed. The development shall thereafter be carried out in accordance with the approved strategy.


Reason: To ensure that the development does not cause drainage/flooding issues on the adjacent railway line in the interest of public safety.


Additional Recommended Condition: “Prior to the occupation of the first dwelling the applicant shall submit an independent survey prepared by a suitably qualified highway engineer confirming that the construction of Bluebell Way has been completed to an adoptable standard in accordance with the approved plans of the Bluebell Way development and that the road is safe to use for both existing and by households who will occupy the proposed development”


Reason: To ensure that the proposed access to the site is safe in accordance with Policy IC2 of the Local Plan.


Additional Recommended Condition: Prior to the commencement of development, other than initial site clearance and the formation of the access, full site levels shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. Levels shall include existing and proposed site levels along with proposed floor, eaves and ridge levels. The development shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details.


The reason:


(The applicant’s agent, Ian Prescott, spoke in support of the application.)


(Michael Chaloner spoke on behalf of Aiskew and Leeming Bar Parish Council objecting to the application.)


(Michael Broad spoke objecting to the application.)





22/00565/OUT - Outline Planning application with all matters reserved except for access, for proposed storage and distribution units (Use Class B8) totalling 107,640 sq. ft in size at Scotch Corner Caravan Park




The Assistant Director Planning – Community Development Services sought determination of a planning application for the proposed storage and distribution unites (Use Class B8) totalling 107,640 sq ft at Scotch Corner Caravan Park, Richmond DL10 6NS.  This report had been brought to the Committee as the Head of Planning considered a planning application to raise significant planning issues such that it was in the public interest for the application to be considered by Committee.




The decision:-


Permission Granted subject to conditions detailed in the Committee report and amendments to conditions 2, 20 and 21 as set out below and delegated approval to officers to draft and agree two additional conditions to list all agreed plans and reports and compliance with these; and a condition to secure archaeological investigations and recording in line with the NYC Heritage Officer’s comments.


Condition 2: To include Scale as a reserved matter to be approved including the height of the buildings.


Condition 20: To be replaced in its entirety with the following new text: Condition 20 Biodiversity (discharge required)

With the Layout Reserved Matter application a Biodiversity Net Gain Scheme (BNGS) including Biodiversity Metric Calculation shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. This scheme shall demonstrate how a biodiversity net gain can be delivered and secured for the lifetime of the development.


The BNGS shall include planting details, establishment scheme, management scheme including funding and responsibilities, and timetable for implementation. Thereafter wards, the development shall take place in complete accordance with the BNGS and in perpetuity.


Reason: Details are required at the Reserved Matters stage as there is limited land to provide mitigation for the tree loss and no indicative Biodiversity Net Gain Scheme has been submitted with this outline application. The need for a Biodiversity Net Gain is likely to affect the layout and thus why the information is needed at this stage. This condition is applied having regards to paragraph 174 of the NPPF. 


Note: Without a Biodiversity Net Gain a new application or Section 73 application would be required so that a planning balance exercise could be undertaken in the context of the confirmed percentage loss. Opportunities such as ponds and brown roofs may need to be explored to achieve Biodiversity Net Gain for this development.


Condition 21: First sentence amended to “With the Layout Reserved Matter application a scheme detailing foul and surface water drainage shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.”. Reason amended to : “Details are required at the Reserved Matters stage as SUDs are the most sustainable form of drainage and can also act as ecology and landscaping features. These can take up a reasonable amount of space and therefore need to be considered alongside the layout. This condition is applied to ensure the provision of adequate and sustainable means of drainage in the interests of amenity and flood risk; together with contributing towards biodiversity net gain having regard to Sections 12, 14 and 15 and of the National Planning Policy Framework 2021”.


(Tom Cook spoke on behalf of the applicant in support of the application.)


(Steve Hill spoke objecting to the application.)





Any other items


There were no urgent items of business.





Date of Next Meeting


Thursday, 11 May 2023 – Mercury House, Richmond





The meeting concluded at 11.59 am.



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